Monday, July 20, 2015

Baby Boomers Grow Up Kinda

Not all Baby Boomers have retired but those of us who have are living in a new chapter. It starts with our body shapes which in many cases have traveled south. While I recognized there are exceptions to every rule, the majority of us don't have the oomph of old. Our senses are on a slow slide and tread mills are guilt trips used in spurts. Yet, this is a great, grand time to be a senior. The rat race we endured is over. We can be friendly without hidden motives. There are no competitive games going on now, and we can enjoy people for who and what they are. We talk to everyone, the clerks in the store, the lady behind us in line, the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker. We can take a nap whenever we want, and watch TV until two in the morning. It's freedom with a new hue.
Now I cannot hear my husband complain and glory be, he cannot see me as well as he used to. If that isn't progress what is?

It gets better. Our beautiful grandchildren are thoroughly enjoyed and then returned to their rightful owners when we are utterly worn out. We couldn't do that in years of yore. We get to enjoy and spoil them but discipline is left to the parents. That gives us a huge advantage and we gladly take the hero status. Our schedules have slowed down and we get to smell the roses literally. So many of us enjoy gardening and pampering our plants to new heights.

Double income couples have a few adjustments to make when both are home all day. Roles that were clearly defined are now fuzzy and one's way of doing things is not necessarily compatible with the other. Case in point, loading the dishwasher.  After loading the dishwasher for thirty plus years do you really have to be told how to do it "properly." Then there is the battle of the remote. Viewing habits are inevitably different; multiple TV's come in handy. Have you ever noticed how the women who was always cold is now always hot, and the man who was always hot is turning up the thermostat because he is cold. It is a cold war of sorts. It all works out eventually, aided by the fact that you both don't hear so well. Blessing in disguise.
It's time to travel when you can, go where you want and remember to bring along the Tums.

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