Monday, February 9, 2015

#Comic Books, #50'S heroes

How well I remember the joy of Comic Books. Our first foray into the world of super heroes, fantasy, and wanna be adults. The girls were very partial to Betty and Veronica and we would lie face down on our beds, feet crossed in the air and study the clothes, hairstyles and lifestyles our our imaginary friends. It didn't stop there, the comic books were piled up in a corner, shared with friends in exchange for others like; Archie, Superman, Mega Man, Bat Man, Popeye, Jessie James, Toy Guns, and Sea Monkeys. Clearly the writers were geared to the male population but that was alright back then. It was in the days before equal opportunity, and sexual discrimination, and whatever other rights were being trampled upon.
For our part, young and guileless, we sucked everything we could out of these out of home stories. There was no hidden messages, or Sunday Sermons, or parental lectures embedded, just pure make believe.
I was always drawn to the back cover where offers of wonderful prizes were there for selling subscriptions to the magazine or some other product. It was truly the beginning of my career in sales. There was a microscope that I thought would make a great gift for my sibling so I signed on to sell the prescribed amount of Christmas Card boxes with thinking of the euphoria  when you are going to give something special to someone you love. I loved all my siblings and surprising them was like kindling for the fireplace of my heart. In our family there was no doling out of money to buy a gift for the family. You earned it, made it, or faked it. So much thought went into the process because each of us had our own interests and unique personality. One brother loved books, another building ship models, one was for physical activity, and my sisters were all into dolls, and toys. Mom and dad suffered the usual tie and cheap perfume gifts which they received with a great demonstration of happiness. After all is said and done that is what it was about, making others happy. Comic books gave me the possibility to enter into the world of earning prizes and rewards. Nothing has changed in the world today, we still prey fall to prizes and rewards from airline tickets, to credit cards, and numerous other offers of a free lunch.  I am not sure though, that we derive nearly as much satisfaction as before the days of good and plenty.

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